Common Fault Analysis and Solutions for Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines

Common Fault Analysis and Solutions for Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines

Common Fault Analysis and Solutions for Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines

Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines are essential equipment for cable processing in the power and electrical industries, featuring functions such as feeding, cutting, stripping, and crimping. In the course of usage, encountering faults can disrupt production schedules. Therefore, it is crucial to understand common issues and their solutions. This article provides a brief overview of common problems and troubleshooting methods for Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines.

Q: What causes uneven wire cutting lengths?

A: Possible reasons:

Insufficient pressure on the wire feeding wheel; adjust the pressure.
Wire feeding speed is too fast; adjust to an appropriate speed.
Improper gap between wire feeding wheels; adjust the gap.
Q: Why does the wire core get damaged during the stripping process?

A: Possible reasons:

Stripping blade cuts too deep; adjust the stripping blade value.
Adjust the retraction blade value.
Abnormal stripping blade equipment; needs adjustment.
Q: What could be the reasons for the front-end stripping failure during the stripping process?

A: Possible reasons:

Check stripping depth and adjust the blade value.
Insufficient pressure on the wire feeding wheel; adjust the pressure.
Avoid setting the retraction blade value too high.
Damaged blade; replace the blade.
Q: What might cause back-end stripping failure during the stripping process?

A: Possible reasons:

Check stripping depth and adjust the blade value.
Loose grip of the wire by the wire-clamping jaws; adjust the jaws’ clearance.
Avoid setting the retraction blade value too high.
Worn-out blade; replace the blade.
Q: Why is one end of the wire core damaged while the other is not during the stripping process?

A: Possible reasons:

Different depths at both ends of the blades; adjust the blade holder.
Stripping blade does not reach the correct position.
Worn-out blade; replace the blade.
Q: What causes the wire insulation to remain attached during the stripping process?

A: Possible reasons:

Improper setting of the semi-stripping length; adjust the semi-stripping length.
Failure to completely cut the wire insulation; adjust the blade value.
Large gap or incorrect positioning of the stripping jaws; adjust the stripping jaws.
Q: Why can’t the wire-clamping jaws hold onto the wire?

A: Possible reasons:

Insufficient air pressure or too large clearance; adjust the air pressure and clearance.
Damaged wire-clamping jaws; replace the wire-clamping jaws.
Incorrect positioning or mismatched clamping time; adjust the positioning and clamping time.
Q: What are the reasons for motor overload or stepping issues?

A: Possible reasons:

Check for collisions or exceeding travel limits.
Check if the speed is too fast; adjust the speed.
Check for loose connections in the drive line.
Verify the normal functioning of the motor origin sensor.
Q: What causes poor terminal crimping?

A: Possible reasons:

Confirm if the mold is problematic; adjust the mold.
Verify the accuracy of mechanical actions; adjust the timing of actions.
Confirm if the crimping position is correct.
Q: Why is the machine not operating normally?

A: Possible reasons:

Check for human operational errors.
Confirm if the motor is stepping or if there are drive alarms.
Verify the normalcy of air and power supply.
Reboot the enclosed mechanical power supply and confirm its normal operation.
As we continuously improve machines and advance technology in the wire cutting and crimping industry, such fault occurrences will become rarer. Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines are becoming smarter with self-diagnostic and alert features, further enhancing the efficiency of cable production!

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