Operating Guide and Troubleshooting for Super Mute Chain Terminal Crimping Machine

Operating Guide and Troubleshooting for Super Mute Chain Terminal Crimping Machine

Operating Guide and Troubleshooting for Super Mute Chain Terminal Crimping Machine

This guide provides instructions for operating and troubleshooting your super mute chain terminal crimping machine.

Understanding Machine Types

There are two main types of chain terminal crimping machines: fully automatic and semi-automatic.

Fully Automatic: These machines utilize a server that processes information and controls the motor for automated operation.
Semi-Automatic (Super Mute): These are the more common vertical desktop models. They operate with a foot pedal that triggers the crimping process. The motor runs continuously, and pressing the pedal sends a signal to complete the crimp.
Pre-Use Calibration

Proper calibration ensures optimal performance and crimp quality. Here’s how to adjust key settings:

Mold Height Adjustment (Wire Core Crimp):

Loosen the punch tightening screw.
Use a small circular rod to adjust the threaded rod (six holes). Clockwise raises, counterclockwise lowers the punch.
Adjust the punch by 0.25mm increments according to the desired crimp height.
Tighten the punch tightening screw.
Blade Height Adjustment (Wire Insulation Crimp):

Loosen the upper blade tightening screw.
Rotate the upper blade (1-8 settings) with higher numbers lowering the blade (0.1mm difference per setting).
Adjust to the appropriate height for crimping the wire insulation.
Tighten the upper blade tightening screw.
Feeding Adjustment:

Move the guide block to its highest point using the up and down keys.
Loosen the feeding block fixing screw.
Rotate the feeding adjustment threaded rod (clockwise backward, counterclockwise forward) to center the terminal on the blade.
Adjust for proper terminal feeding.
Important Reminders:

Remove the wrench before starting the machine.
Ensure the punch is at its highest point before starting.
Avoid excessive pressure on multiple terminals.
Use a voltage stabilizer to maintain normal voltage and prolong machine life.
Keep hands away from the machine table while operating.
Switch to manual mode (red light indicator) for mold adjustments.
Troubleshooting Common Issues:

Faulty Foot Pedal: Replace the foot pedal switch if needed.
Continuous Punching: Check the setting switch.
Blown Fuse: Replace the fuse.
Slow Operation: Apply lubricant daily (1-3 times) to the guide block (hole 1 and surface 3) and mold (hole 3). Ensure operating temperature stays between -2°C and 50°C.
Smoking or Unusual Motor Smell: Verify voltage meets machine specifications.
Stuck Mold: Use a wrench to adjust the main spindle rear screw, allowing movement. Check for damaged blades or scratched terminals/wires.
Maintenance Tips:

Regularly replace blades.
Adjust molds periodically.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure your super mute chain terminal crimping machine operates smoothly and efficiently, producing consistent, high-quality crimps.

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