Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines: Methods of Detection and Maintenance

Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines: Methods of Detection and Maintenance

Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines: Methods of Detection and Maintenance

Uneven Stripping and Opening Lengths:

The common causes of uneven opening include the wire feeding wheel being too tight or loose. In such cases, adjust the gap between the two wheels using the rolling wire wheel adjustment device to prevent flattening or slipping of the wire. If the issue is due to the cutting blade cutting too shallow or too deep, use the cutting blade depth adjustment device to adjust the blade to the appropriate position, ensuring that it does not damage the copper wire and allows for smooth removal of the insulation. If the problem persists, replace the cutting blade directly.

Uneven Exposure of Copper Wires on Terminals:

Check if the gun-type swing arm guide tube aligns with the wire. Ensure that the terminal machine blade aligns directly with the swing arm guide tube, and check for any looseness in the auxiliary pressure block of the terminal machine. Verify if there are any changes in the distance between the terminal machine and the automatic machine.

Terminal Machine Failure to Start or Stopping During Operation:

If the terminal machine fails to start or stops during operation, first check for electrical input, 6KG air pressure, and whether any wires or rotating parts are stuck. Also, check for signal and power connections between the terminal machine and the automatic machine to ensure proper engagement.

Inconsistent Cutting Lengths of Electronic Wires in the Terminal Machine:

This issue may be caused by worn or damaged cutting blade edges. In such cases, simply replace the cutting blade. Another possible reason is the wire feeding wheel being too tight or too loose. Use the rolling wire wheel adjustment device to adjust the gap between the two wheels to prevent flattening or slipping of the wire.

Methods of Detection and Maintenance for Automatic Wire Cutting and Crimping Machines:

Turn on the power switch of the terminal machine; the power indicator light should be on.

Pay attention to any obvious noises inside or outside the machine. If there is any, pause the operation and have a technician determine if maintenance is required.

Blade Selection and Installation: Operated by designated personnel, manually verify whether the selected blades match. After confirming, install the blades. After installation, use the hand crank for testing. Turn off the terminal machine power, press the touch knob, and use a special wrench to manually rotate the master and slave wheels to maximize the crimping stroke. If the hand crank does not move, check for excessive pressure or other issues and adjust until OK. Before operation, check and confirm the tightness of all locking screws.

Loading: Load the terminals to be crimped, adjust the feeding pressure plate with an Allen wrench to allow easy passage of the terminal. Visually inspect the feeding position; if it is not suitable, adjust it. Loosen the locking screws of the feeder with an Allen wrench, adjust using the adjustment lever until optimal, then tighten the feeder locking screws and start the operation.

Tensile Testing: After adjusting the machine, use scrap wire to perform a tensile test. Refer to the specific operating method in the “Tensile Testing Comparison Table.” Press the zero key for tensile testing to zero, clamp the terminal wire to be tested, and perform the test. If the measured tensile force is not within the standard range, have a technician readjust it until reaching the standard value.

Conduct a trial production of 10 pieces for confirmation by IPQC. Only proceed with mass production if the inspection is satisfactory. During production, operators must self-check for defects such as insulation, hanging necks, etc., on the crimped terminals and perform a tensile test on the terminals every hour.

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