Solution to Problems with Automatic Vibratory Feed Terminal Crimping Machine

Solution to Problems with Automatic Vibratory Feed Terminal Crimping Machine

Solution to Problems with Automatic Vibratory Feed Terminal Crimping Machine

When using the automatic vibratory feed terminal crimping machine, we often encounter some issues. Below, the manufacturer of the vibratory feed terminal crimping machine will introduce the problems that may arise with the vibratory feeder of the automatic vibratory feed terminal crimping machine.

The vibratory feeder of the automatic terminal crimping machine may oscillate weakly or slowly, feed sporadically or irregularly, due to:

Defects in the device table, insufficient hardness. If suspended on the equipment table, it will result in weak oscillation. The table thickness should be at least 1-1/2 inches to avoid resonance. It is necessary to equip the cylindrical support feet with triangular support pieces.
Loose or misaligned screws between the feeder and the base.
Table not level.
Coil air gap should be as small as possible.
Base plate too thin.
Tension spring cracked.
When using air blowing, some issues may occur, such as unstable air pressure, contaminated air source with water or oil, which can accumulate on the surface of the feeder, causing the feeding speed to slow down or stop altogether. The air source needs to be cleaned and dried, equipped with independent pressure regulators and filters. Do not use rigid pipes as it will reduce feeding efficiency. Flexible hoses should be used.
Power grid fluctuation.
Debris inside the feeder.
Machine rhythm too fast causing parts to slide off the feeder.
Too many parts.
Controller needs to be readjusted to adapt to power grid fluctuations.
Improper adjustment of the base.
Part issues: oversized, bent, oily, etc.
Material change, which requires readjustment of the feeder’s surface load and base adjustment.
Possible factors causing the vibratory feeder of the terminal crimping machine to not work:

Insufficient power supply voltage.
Parts stuck between the coil and the frame.
Vibratory feeder obstructed by a hard object, top plate or base plate colliding with other equipment.
Gap between coil and frame too small or too large.
Controller fuse burnt out.
Wire between the vibratory feeder and the controller cracked.
Coil burnt out.

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