Tag - corrugated tubing

Split Corrugated Tubing: A Convenient Innovation for Cable Routing

Split Corrugated Tubing: A Convenient Innovation for Cable Routing Split Corrugated Tubing: Making Cable Routing Easier In the field of electrical engineering and wire installation, efficient and convenient cable routing is crucial. To meet this demand, split corrugated tubing has become a popular solution. This type of conduit not only offers excellent cable protection but also makes cable routing a breeze, allowing engineers and technicians to complete their tasks efficiently. Introduction to the Split Design What sets split corrugated tubing apart is its unique...

Why Use Corrugated Tubes or Wire Harness Conduits for Wire Harnesses?

Why should wire harnesses always be encased in corrugated tubing, and not with any other alternative? This is because corrugated tubing serves a unique purpose in protecting wire harnesses. Firstly, it is highly flexible, allowing it to bend at different angles as required, a feature unmatched by other materials. Secondly, it can withstand high temperatures, is fire-resistant, easy to work with, and cost-effective. Additionally, automotive wire harness corrugated tubing is resistant to acids, alkalis, corrosion, oil, and more. Wire harness corrugated...